Tag: Software

3DOF MIDI Gesture Controller

What the puck!

Guitar Effects Chain with an Expression Pedal

As a guitarist, I always thought more could be done with floor based controllers. In particular, the expression pedal. Expression pedal examples include effects such as the wah-wah or simple parameter controls (e.g., volume or delay).

Flatlander WebGL & the 4th Dimension

“Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions” is a novella by Edwin Abbott, published in 1884. The story describes a two-dimensional world occupied by geometric polygons. A square dreams about a visit to a one-dimensional world (Lineland) inhabited by “lustrous points”.

CRM Software Developer

Several clients of FlatCoder Ltd, past and present, have required bespoke Customer Relationship Management solutions (CRM) or Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP). 

PHP MySQL “instant” Audit Trail

I was approached by a client recently who had developed their own bespoke Customer Relationship Management software (CRM).  It wasn’t really a planned system – more a necessity as the business grew. 

3D Jabber (XMPP) AI Chat Bot

I was approached recently by a client wanting a 3D game environment in which players could talk to “bots” (artificially intelligent chat bots) by typing text and receiving replies. The chat bots were to live on a server while players would launch a 3D game client to login to the server.

Build a Secure Linux Kiosk OS

The original requirement was for a collection of 4 touchscreen information stands in a NHS hospital (providing information such as maps/”You are Here”, patient information etc.).